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Booking CCP Assured Service Re-Validation - Certified Cyber Professional (Risk Management)


570.00 GBP

Note: your final price and currency will be shown after you have supplied your address on the following pages

Terms and Conditions

Once you book a Re-Validation Assessment, candidates will receive an email from APMG inviting them to create their APMG Candidate Portal account within 24 hours from when payment was made, unless we require further information.

APMG do not invoice public candidates. Payment must be made at time of booking. You will receive a formal receipt via email for any payment made within 1 week of making the payment.

All candidates are required to sign the APMG CCP Agreement to Re-Validate their full recognition.

Assessment Exams

This exam is an assessment exam. Once the booking is made you will have 12 months to complete the assessment.